Download sos literature in english
Looking for support in your addiction recovery journey, or starting a new meeting? SOS founder, Jim Christopher created loads of free literature to help you succeed, long term. Looking for more? Check out Jim’s books in the ‘recovery marketplace’.
An SOS Overview
SOS takes a self-empowerment approach to recovery and maintains that sobriety is a separate issue from all else. SOS addresses sobriety (abstinence) as “Priority One, no matter what!
Guidebook for group leaders
These suggestions have been collected as a result of many questions from individuals interested in starting self-help support groups for addicted persons as well as their friends and family members.
Sobriety priority
The Sobriety Priority approach for achieving and maintaining freedom from alcohol and other mind-altering drugs is a cognitive strategy. It can be applied, on a daily basis…
the First
30 days
Both your mind and body are going through a significant transition; you are, in effect, reclaiming your life. Although addiction goes on “automatic pilot,” sobriety does not, and must therefore, be made your daily priority.
sobriety toolkit
This ‘Sobriety Toolkit’ developed by founder, Jim Christopher is designed to provide you with the many tools he has used to help him stay sober for the long haul.
Family and friends
Be gentle with yourself and the addicted person in your family. Remember, sobriety skills are not developed overnight, so give yourself credit for being understanding.